September 15, 2012
Nowadays sensor miniaturization and MEMS development allow acquiring a great quantity of data. Innovations at system level and at component level allow the development of new systems for remote management of diseases, treatment and rehabilitation, outside hospitals and care centres.
In particular, technological progress and new advanced data processing techniques open new perspectives for exploring new applications with infants and children. Through artificial sensors and advanced signal processing human sensing and diagnostic capabilities can be extended. Indiscernible or unstructured information about the child’s interaction with the environment can be translated to a form that clinicians can immediately understand and interpret. This requires new methods for multisensory fusion, integration, action recognition and interpretation as well as extrapolation of results.
Neurodevelopmental engineering is a new interdisciplinary research area at the intersection of developmental neuroscience and biomedical engineering, mainly concerned with quantitative analysis and modelling of human behaviour during neural development.
Main application fields of Neurodevelopmental Engineering are: new clinical protocols and standards for early diagnosis, functional evaluation and therapeutic treatments of neuro-developmental disorders and new generations of educational, interactive multi-sensor toys which can provide adequate stimuli and guidance for supporting the physiological neurodevelopment process.
The workshop aims at showing some results in this field and also at giving an updated view of the techniques for sensory integration that could be used for personal health systems.
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