Tue, 17 Oct 2017 17:17:22 +0000 it-IT hourly 1 Articolo sul progetto Daphne pubblicato da La Nazione Mon, 31 Jul 2017 09:27:14 +0000 Robot-Era Project Manager, Filippo Cavallo, participated on March 10 in the talk show “UnoMattina” held on Rai1, the most important Italian TV channel, and presented the domestic robot DoRo and the main outcomes and characteristcs of the project.
During the show DoRo performed some simple tasks,  moreover an excerpt of the official Robot-Era video displaying the three robotic platforms developed in the project has been showed.

Presentazione dell’articolo “Empowering Patients in Self-Management of Parkinson’s Disease through Cooperative ICT Systems” Mon, 31 Jul 2017 09:24:50 +0000 The paper “How to design a business model for technology-driven innovations like robots. The case of Robot-Era” was presented at the R&D Management Conference 2015 held in Pisa from June 23 to 26.

At the conference partecipated more than 350 people, from 38 different countries.
The Robot-Era paper was presented in the session Challenges of R&D in Robotics.
