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Welcome to the VIMPA (Vibrating Microengines for Power Generation and Microsystem Actuation) website

Here you can find information on an innovative Project in the field of portable energy. Three top level universities, funded by the European Commission in the framework of a special program, are involved in the development of a small, high performance power generator exploiting clean fuels.

VIMPA has the potential to really astonish the scientific, technological and industrial international community with a truly effective microgenerator. It consequently aims at assessing the leadership of European technology concerning power generation, as it was when combustion engines were invented and as it is now thanks to state of the art products in the automotive domain. The enabling factor for this is to focus, from the very beginning of the project, on microengineering issues and methods, where new and interdisciplinary paradigms are being developed by the partners.
  Project funded by the European Commission under the NEST (New and Emerging Science and
  Technology) activity of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), contract No. 511889